A wedding lunch in the dining room

Cut flower farm in time of Covid-19

Il Rigo, May 2nd 2020

Springtime is here, revealing its energetic beauty in every corner of the garden! Yesterday the first cornflowers opened, two days ago the phacelia painted with lilac a corner of the flower patch.
Everywhere I turn the eye I spot yellow and orange glimpses of marigolds and rapeseed flowers, crossed by blue lightning of honeyworth and vincas: it’s a feast for the eye!
And a feast for the ears as well, since the soundtrack of this idyllic scene is the humming of birds and the happy buzzing of bees and butterflies!

However it’s heartbreaking to be the only one to enjoy this glorious abundance of flowers, that I planted and tended for months, just waiting for enjoying them with the guests and the couples!

Therefore I dedicated some time to shoot them, and store forever their vibrant look!


An inspirational shooting that’s all about cottage-garden flowers

I realized that we lack of photos of wedding dinners in our dining room. That’s because we have been really blessed by good weather an in 6 years of activities, only 3 or 4 wedding dinners have been served inside!
Of course the old stable cannot compete with the endless soft line of the rolling hills, that you can admire outdoor, but I thinks it’s a lovely plan B, especially when you bring the nature inside with a runner of colourful and contagiously-happy flowers!

A mixture of recycled jam jars and brown bottles (the one of the cough syrup :) ) it’s my favourite decoration!
It’s simple, natural and sustainable and completely on the same page of the style of the farm. The trick is choosing different highs and combining slim and tall jars, with lower and wider ones.
Candles are also in recycled little jars or tall glass candle holders.


I’ve always been drawn to simple and uncomplicated decorations.
I find in nature the greatest inspiration and solace. In these days more than ever, I feel guided by this feeling, both in my work and in my life. Getting rid of all the superficial and unnecessary things is more important than ever, and focusing of the meaningful little actions we do can be rewarding for ourself and a great benefit of the community!

I hope you enjoyed this post and hope to have inspired you in this harsh days!


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