Camilla&Alessandro - Family reunion and intimate wedding

This was the last wedding of 2015, in the beginning of September, and the smallest that we hosted.

Camilla and Alessandro wanted to combine this happy event with a prayer for a loved one recently deceased. The main porpoise of this reunion was definitely not partying all night.
In my opinion a wedding is a ceremony that has more to deal with family relationships than with the love story of  a couple.
You can love someone without sharing that with everybody.
But a wedding, is a event where you, as a couple and one single thing, show yourself with a new identity and act towards the others like a family.

That's why I like when people use the great chance that the wedding offers, to do something more! Like remember someone loved that is not there anymore.
Or spending time with elderly family members, that made a big effort to be there, and deserve care ad attention.I found the ceremony of Camilla and Alessandro very generous towards their relatives.

They celebrated their love for their family through the love for each other!

From my side, I did my best to help them having the setting they dreamed of, picking the last colourful berries, leaves and wildflowers that I could find, after last burning summer!

We ended up with the decision of making the dinner inside, since some of the guests were old and felt a bit cold outside!

I set up one big table in the middle of the dining room.In the jars I arranged oak leaves, myrtle, spikes, marigolds and wild larkspur, for something blue!

The cake was our speciality: half frozen cake with meringue, hazelnuts and edible flowers!

Wedding Date: September 12 th 2015

Number of Guests:  20

Wedding Reception: Agriturismo Il Rigo

Catering and wedding cake: Agriturismo Il Rigo

Flower design: Agriturismo Il Rigo

Official photographer: Lorenzo Poli

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